Well Swedging

If your well has a problem and needs to be repaired, we can fix it. With well swedging, we are able to push out, patch, and repair breaks in 8”-16” steel wells. In the event casing breaks or becomes egg-shaped due to shifting underground, or a break or a hole occurs, this tool allows them to be repaired.

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Let Us Fix Your Water Well

Contact Us Today To Get Started

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Our Other Services

Weber Drilling is pleased to offer a wide range of water well services to help fit your needs. With over forty years in the water well drilling business, we strive for the highest standards of quality and safety. In addition to well swedging, we also offer these other services.


Please contact us with any questions you may have on any of our services and we will be  happy to assist you.

We Have These Endorsements:

Air Rotary

This method of drilling is used to drill deep holes in the rock by rapidly rotating the drill bit which is mounted at the end of the pipe.

Cable Tool

This method of drilling uses an impact tool or bit which is suspended in the well from a steel cable. This is dropped repeatedly on the bottom of the hole to crush the rock.

Mud Rotary

This method of drilling is used to drill through ground that is loose and unstratified. This uses a special type of mud slurry that achieves a good stable hole for your well.

Reverse Circulation

This method of drilling uses two drilling rods that consist of an inner and outer tube, which allows the drill cuttings to be moved back to the surface.

Mineral Exploration

This type of drilling is used to probe for ore deposits. Geologists can then analyze the core by chemical assay and conduct petrologic, structural and mineralogical studies of the rock to determine its makeup.

Some Of Our Products

Weber Drilling is pleased to offer the following products with our services